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Touching story of the wonderful results for Boo with our Cold Pressed Dog Food.

11 . October .2019Adam Copland0 Comments

My two amazing collies have asked me to write to you to thank you for their food, which they both adore. Boo is ten years old, and, two years ago had a cruciate operation.  The healing took an awfully long time and she seemed uncomfortable in herself.  After almost 6 months of restricted walking, no running, no ball chasing, no jumping up, no stairs ...  she eventually gained a little more strength and muscle.  Imagine how hard that must have been for such a smart dog! She was officially grumpy, the poor girl.

Boo with cold pressed dog food with Turmeraid

Moving to this year and her other cruciate started to cause her pain.  By now I had been researching dog food. Boo had become bored with her old choice and was telling me she wanted something else. I didn't want to go down the raw route and then I came upon Cobbydog   cold pressed dog food with added Tumeraid ® That was it! The light came on, I told Boo that I thought I had the solution and ordered samples of both flavours.

The service was amazing, the food arriving in just over a day Slowly I added more to her bowl and within a couple of days she was choosing to eat the Cobbydog avoiding the other food. That was it, the next day I ordered more and since April she's been eating Cobbydog and she adores it.

She came through her second cruciate operation and the removal of the meniscuses of both back legs. So now I had a ten-year-old with both back legs operated on, with very restricted movements again As you can imagine I was dreading the recovery after the last time.

Also at this time I was asked to 'adopt' another pup, another Collie, so with a little apprehension  we brought him home ...”was I right in the head?”, I asked myself, but he needed a home and  we had the room in our home and our hearts for him, the “Naughtibads Nye”, as he is affectionately called. The answer was a huge yes!  He brought a hive of activity to our home. Now it's the middle of October, last month Boo had a 6-month check-up and, the vet could not believe the change in her. Her mobility is amazing! She has healed so well, so much so that she's bouncing around, chasing hose pipes, balls, toys, jumping around the place, sharing life with her little brother, whom she now adores.

Puppy Food 

The Vet has known her for 8 years so does know her history and, he couldn't get over how well she's done compared to last time and to top it all off, since April, she's lost almost 6kg. I told him about the Cobbydog Cold pressed food, and, he said he would have to do some research because he couldn't believe how well she's recovered.

Now, you could say, the pup has helped, the operations have helped, just as much as the choice of dog food, however, that without Cobbydog, Boo wouldn't be as fit and as well as she is today. Her little brother Nye is happily chomping his way through Cobbydog puppy food and again, he adores it!

I can't thank you enough guys, they say you can't buy happiness, but it seems you can. Cobbydog cold pressed food has transformed my lovely girl. Thank you so much.

Here's a photo taken this morning, right after they 'helped' (and, by helped, they told him, in happy bark, about how they've been waiting since they woke up for the door to go) 🙂 the delivery man get it into the house 🙂 Thank you so very much, for helping my beautiful girl heal so well. xx

Chelle Grimes

Giving paw



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