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Remember, remember the 5th of November!

14 . November .2024Katy van suilchem0 Comments

Bonfire Night is almost here! While we're out enjoying the fireworks, let's remember our furry friends who might not be so keen on the loud bangs!

1. Create a safe space
Set up a quiet area where your dog can retreat. This could be a crate, a corner of a room, or even under a bed. Make it cosy with familiar blankets, toys, and treats. 

2. Sound desensitization
Start playing firework sounds quietly in the lead up to Bonfire Night, gradually increasing the volume as your dog gets used to it. 

3. Tire them out
Take your dog for a long walk or play session earlier in the day. This will make them tired and more likely to relax in the evening. 

4. Provide distractions
Close the windows and curtains, and turn on the TV or radio to muffle the sound of the fireworks. Also, try to give them a chew toy or puzzle feeder to keep them occupied. 

5. Stay calm! 
Bonfire Night can be stressful for dogs and their owners, but staying calm and relaxed can make a big difference, as dogs easily pick up on their owners' anxiety.

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